I have two Fan Palms that have not been trimmed in a few years because they exceeded my 40 ft. ladders height. Sooo I rented a 65 ft lift to trim them.The lift was about 6ft. short but I managed with a pole saw for the rest. Great view up there.
Here is a after and before shot of the extra chain I added to the fence in the front yard. I was thinking it looked funny and needed more chain, two days later my good frind Murph calls and says he has something for me. I went down to his recycling business and guess what..a piece of chain exactly the lenth I needed...I got great friends....
The fence along the gravel driveway was getting in bad shape. Sooo. I asked by good friend Gary if he had any pump rods. He has been very gracious in supplying me with them and he did have some available. I just finished the fence except for some gravel in the bare spots...Thanks Gary....